ATE-NSF Principal Investigators’ Conference, Washington DC, October 2012: “Teaching Tomorrow’s Technicians today: Preparing America’s Future Workforce”

Elaine Maldonado and Karen Pearson hosted the Breakfast Roundtable: “Collaborations Between Science and Art in Interdisciplinary STEM Education”

Steve Jobs stated that the original Mac team had backgrounds in anthropology, art, history, and poetry. Historically, our most visionary achievements have married science and art. Elaine Maldonado and Karen Pearson facilitated a conversation on interdisciplinary STEM education– specifically the promise of science and art collaborations. Drawing on their NSF work at Fashion Institute of Technology (TECH-FIT), this roundtable promoted thinking about atypical collaborations and the critical role of science in design-related STEM education.

ATE National Principal Investigators Conference


Karen Pearson and Elaine Maldonado hosting FIT’s booth

Karen Pearson and Elaine Maldonado hosting FIT’s booth # 613: “Advancing Design-related Technological Education: A Three-way Partnership (TECH-FIT)”

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